Coach your team with holistic insights and visibility

Emulate winning behaviors across your team with insights on your reps, slides, demo sections and talk tracks. Have a handle on each deal with timely alerts and summaries delivered to a shared Slack channel.

If you have a Call Recorder
like Gong/Chorus

"Sybill's summaries are 15 times better than any human notes."

Derek Sather
Chief Commercial Officer, Winning by Design

These companies create super-sellers with Sybill

93% of human communication is non-verbal
Today’s tools start and stop at transcription. Tools like Gong and Chorus don't recognize non-verbal cues at all, missing these cues during sales calls leads to a fractured understanding of your prospect’s needs, leading to lost revenue.

Get visibility into each deal in the pipeline

Get alerts on Slack for each call taken by your reps with a brief summary and next steps. Stay on top of ongoing deals with team-wide visibility.

Deep dive into deals with sentiment trends & mood trackers

Track every deal and the key moments of excitement or contention with the deal dashboard. Sybill captures the underlying mood of the room across calls in your deals. Forecast better and jump in when necessary.

Rest assured on CRM hygiene with automatic call notes

Sybill automatically generates accurate and structured call notes and pushes them to your CRM system. Your CRM is always up-to-date and a credible source of truth.

Coach with hard data on what’s working and what’s not

Compare reps on how much they are able to engage and excite the buyers on calls to spot areas of improvement. Track rep activity and call quality by measuring talktime, question rate, and call interactivity.

Jump into deals with a quick recap of the story so far

Review the calls for a particular deal with Meeting Shorts: 5-min highlight clips of your team's calls, so that you’re ready to jump in within no time.