Automatic, accurate call notes in CRM. Save 5+ hours/week

Remove the guesswork from what your buyers are most interested in. Sybill's call summaries capture their spoken and unspoken needs and throws them right where you work - CRM, Slack and your email inbox.

If you have a Call Recorder
like Gong/Chorus already.

"Sybill's summaries are 15 times better than any human notes."

Derek Sather
Chief Commercial Officer, Winning by Design

These companies create super-sellers with Sybill

93% of human communication is non-verbal
Today’s tools start and stop at transcription. Tools like Gong and Chorus don't recognize non-verbal cues at all, missing these cues during sales calls leads to a fractured understanding of your prospect’s needs, leading to lost revenue.

Today’s tools start and stop at transcription

Tools like Gong and Chorus don't recognize non-verbal cues at all, while 93% of human communication is non-verbal.Missing these cues during sales calls leads to a fractured understanding of your prospect’s needs, leading to lost revenue.

Accurate call summaries automatically in your CRM

Get accurate sales call summaries automatically generated by Sybill's AI and pushed to Slack/CRM. Save 5+ hours/week with meeting notes that you can reference while following up. Includes next steps, areas of interest, pain points and more.
Works with Gong/Chorus recordings as well.

Magic Summary

Understand your prospects better with behavior intelligence

Get insights on what got them hooked, what turned them off, and moments of excitement and rapport building. Appeal to their needs and desires and craft a better deal so that both of you win.

No more painful note-taking during a call

Bye bye handwritten notes. Sybill captures next steps, questions and answers, pain points and pricing discussions from your call so that you can focus on your prospect.

Collaborate and share calls with your teammates

Share entire calls or snippets with your teammates to collaborate on deals. Give and receive feedback from your manager or peers.

Accelerate Deal Execution with 1-Click Follow-ups

Sybill drafts a personalized follow-up email for each call based on its summary and drops it in your reps’ inbox. Follow up in 2 mins instead of 2 days and crush your win rates.

Transform your decks and demos with engagement metrics

Get visibility into what slides and demo screens are engaging your prospects the most (and least). Tell a compelling story by improving your collateral and increase your odds of the next meeting.

Don't take our word for it

Marc Degenkolb
COO at Synthesized

Sybill helps me determine engagement on calls by slide, to see if changes with the positioning and messaging work or not. Sybill gives you all the nonverbal communication insights that you would normally get in face-toface meetings, but via Zoom.

Ricky Pearl
CEO at Pointer

This has been my secret weapon for the last few months. So many strong use cases - but getting a body language analysis on top of conversational intelligence is a game changer (I don't use that term loosely) Getting a report of how engaged they were or if they disengaged when I answered certain questions etc. Majority of communication is non verbal, so this just makes sense to me.

Joe Yates
Sr Account Executive at Schoox

I love going back into Sybill after calls to look at where the prospective clients that I'm talking to are disengaged - was it something I said, was it part of the talk track? Was it, some consistent aspect of our presentation that multiple prospects have been disengaging with? I've been trying to go back in and see if I can find those kinds of things out.