
Stay up-to-date with the latest improvements from Sybill!

93% of human communication is non-verbal
Today’s tools start and stop at transcription. Tools like Gong and Chorus don't recognize non-verbal cues at all, missing these cues during sales calls leads to a fractured understanding of your prospect’s needs, leading to lost revenue.
25 Apr 2024

Hello Sybillians!

Sybill now supports 50+ languages! Speak in the language that you and your meeting attendees are most comfortable in, and let Sybill take notes.

Here's what else is new:

  • a new way to create call snippets
  • automatic CRM updates for customer success folks!

Read on to learn more:

Sybill goes multi-lingual

Your customers and teammates shouldn't have to talk in English just so your call notetaker can capture the notes.

Starting now, Sybill supports 50+ languages in the meeting audio, including the most popular ones like German, Spanish, French, and Hindi.

Here's how it works:

  1. You let us know on the product chat (or email) that you'd like to turn multi-lingual support on for your org.
  2. You take the call in a world language just like you normally would.
  3. Sybill translates that call into English (internally) and you get a transcript and summary of the call in English.

Please note that you can use multiple languages in the same call (for example when talking to your bilingual friends in English and Spanish, or Hindi and English), and Sybill will still work just as well - transcribing everything to English.

To activate multi-lingual support, please contact us at or send a chat message on the in-product chat.

Check out the list of supported languages here.

Create Snippets from Text

There's a much more intuitive way to create video snippets in Sybill now. We listened to your feedback, iterated with user research and testing, and the new way of creating snippets is now live!

Here's how it works:

  1. Click on "Snippets" on the top pane of your call dashboard.
  2. You would now see the video and transcript side-by-side. Search for the relevant part of the call from the search box on the top, or scroll through the transcript to find it.
  3. Select the snippet starting point by clicking on the relevant text from the transcript. Now, you can extend the snippet upwards/downwards to change its boundaries.
  4. Once you're happy with your selection, you can give the snippet a name and click "Create Snippet" at the bottom.

Here's a 20-second video showing the process.

This workflow now enables:

  • Creating disjoint snippets (you can select discontinuous segments of text now!)
  • Creating snippets by searching for the relevant keyword/phrase in the text instead of scrolling across the video.

Please share your feedback with us and enjoy creating more snippets to share with teammates, customers and other stakeholders!

Other Updates

  • Sybill can now update CRM fields most relevant to customer success teams: Renewal, Expansion, License Count, and Closed Lost Reason. Reach out to enable them in your org.
  • We are actively hiring across roles in product, engineering, and GTM.

15 Feb 2024

Hello Sybillians!

Your call summaries are now shorter, better at picking up details, and much more attuned to the type of call. Here's how:

  • External calls now have Key Takeaways.
  • Precise capture of key facts and decisions for project discussions, sales POC meetings, customer onboarding, internal meetings and more.
  • The call outcome matches the type of call (sales, customer success, client project, etc.).

In addition, you can now attach calls to CRM opportunities manually via Sybill.

Read on to learn more:

Call Summaries for All Use Cases

You will now find a new section in your call summaries for external conversations - “Key Takeaways”.

  • Key Takeaways capture the key topics of discussion and the decisions made in each topic. This will make your internal meetings, client project meetings, and sales POC meetings a breeze.
  • It’s also focused towards picking up on facts (like when the customer is going on an offsite) or numerical data (like the number of employees in their org).
  • This means that you don’t have to search the transcript every time you want to recall specific information from a call. Have a simpler time compiling notes, adding data to the CRM or planning the next steps.

The call outcome is the first section of your call summary, that typically used to end with a buying intent.

The outcomes are now geared more towards the type of the call. Earlier, Sybill would refrain from commenting on the buying intent in the call outcome if it didn’t seem like a sales call to the AI system.

Now, Sybill detects the call type (sales, customer success, expansion, project management, internal strategy meeting, etc.), and writes an outcome accordingly.

The presence of a buying intent, hiring intent, churn intent, etc. at the end of the call outcome is also dictated by this classification.

Keep an eye out for much more relevant call outcomes that give you real insight into the call.

Take control of matching calls to opps/deals

While Sybill tries its best to match your calls to Salesforce opportunities/Hubspot deals, it might sometimes miss due to:

  • The opportunity doesn’t exist at the time the call was taken (for a first call with a customer).
  • The opportunity is not attached to the right company/domain
  • or another edge case.

Now, you can hop on to your Meetings page on Sybill, hover over an unmatched call, and click on “Link Opportunity”.

This opens up a search box, where you can search for the opportunity or deal in real-time and match it.

Sybill can also create new contacts in your CRM from the meeting invite - turn it on here.

Other Updates

  • The areas of interest and pain points in call summaries are much more precise and shorter per participant.
  • The CRM tasks generated by Sybill from your calls are now titled “Meeting - <Meeting Title> (Meeting Summary via
  • As mentioned last time around, you have a much more configurable Settings module, where you can customize how Sybill interacts with your calls, CRM and Slack integrations, email settings, and more.

28 March 2023

Hello Sybillians!

We've been hard at work making improvements to Sybill based on your valuable feedback. In this update, we're excited to share improvements to the search interface, the meetings home page that will make your experience even smoother and more efficient. Let's dive in!

Real-Time Search & Filters

We've revamped our search interface to make it more seamless and intuitive.

Now, as you type in the search box, Sybill searches in real-time among meeting titles, participant names, and participant company/product domains.

Plus, we've added a simple filter button, allowing you to filter meetings by teammates, keyword trackers (integrations, competitors, etc.), and meeting properties like internal meetings, screen-shared or not, and more.

Manage Meetings with Ease

Ever wanted to remove a meeting from your Sybill dashboard? Now you can!

Simply right-click on any meeting (whether processed or still in processing state) and select "Remove Meeting." This will remove the meeting from your dashboard and any shared dashboards.

Enhanced CRM & Participant Info

To help you stay organized and informed, we've added CRM fields (budget, stage) for each opportunity, as well as participant names for each meeting, right on the homepage. This way, you can easily access crucial information without having to click through multiple pages.

Before we head out -

- Follow us on LinkedIn for sales and psychology tips.

- Leave us a review on G2 if you like using Sybill! We are offering a $25 gift card right now for G2 reviews!

As always, feel free to reach out at for any questions or just to chat all things sales, video calling and non-verbal cues!

12 March 2023

Send a follow-up in 30 seconds

You can now see an "AI email" button on each Sybill call report in the Summary section on the right side. When you click this button, it opens up a follow-up email in your default email handler.These emails are generated based on the conversation, just like the magic summaries. They capture the promised next steps and other relevant info in a free-flowing conversational manner.These emails also have the conversation participants in the "to" field of the email, so that you don't have to copy the email addresses from the calendar invite.

“ These emails are not based on any templates. The AI takes a judgment call on the structure, content and tone based on the conversation ”

Best practices for using the AI emails

  • Think of the AI as your personal sales assistant. It watches your call and writes an email for you, so that you only spend time in reviewing it and making it stand out.
  • An AI email is the first draft of your follow-up. It's not the final draft. Read the email, tweak it, and add the relevant links and materials before sending it.
  • We have taken care to highly bias the model towards being accurate, but there could be times when it's not. Please read the email once before sending it to a customer.

AI emails not opening?

Your default email handler (set in the browser) may be different from what you use to send emails. To fix this, you can follow this help document (it has helped users get their default email handler to work in Chrome, and AI emails to work seamlessly after that)

Check this out 🡢

The 30 seconds follow-up playbook

  1. Review the magic summary of the call (outcome & next steps) to make sure you're not missing out on taking any of the promised next steps—complete steps like booking an invite, creating a proposal, etc. before writing an email.
  2. Click on the AI email button to open up the email in your default handler. Change the "to" field if you want to include someone who was not on the call. Read and edit the email so that it looks good to you.
  3. Add all the relevant links/documents to the emails (proposals, analyses, etc.), and hit send!